By Javan McCabe
1. Chile is one of only two countries which doesn't border Brazil
2. Over a third of the world's copper is produced in Chile
3. Antofagasta is situated in the Atacama desert and at one point no rain fell for 40 years
4. Valparaiso is nicknamed 'The Jewel of the Pacific' and is also known as 'The Garden City'
5. In 2003 Chile was the world's top exporter of farmed salmon
6. Tennis is the country's most successful sport
7. Chile has 2000 volcanoes, 500 of them are potentially active
8. About 33% of Chile's population live in the capital city, Santiago
9. Chile gained independence from Spain in 1810
10. Easter Island belongs to Chile and was named after it was discovered on Easter Sunday in 1772
11. La Serena has grown by 100% in the last 20 years
12. Chile has a football club called O'Higgins based in Rancagua which was named after the country's most renowned patriot, Bernardo O'Higgins who was the son of an Irishman, Ambrosio O'Higgins, a Spanish colonial administrator
13. The northern port of Arica used to be in Peru
14. Valparaiso has the biggest firework show in Latin America
15. Chile own the Juan Fernandez Islands as well as part of Antartica
16. The Atacama desert is the world's 18th largest desert but the most arid
17. Punta Arenas is the world's most southern city
18. Puerto Williams is the world's most southern town
19. Lake Chungara, north of Arica is one of the world's highest lakes at 17,384 ft
20. Vina del Mar is Chile's number one beach resort
21. Chile has a coastline of 6,435km but is only 160km wide
22. Located on the Bio Bio river, Concepcion is Chile's second largest city
23. Chile's name is thought to have come from Chilli meaning 'where the land ends' in native language
24. Chile has the most active volcanoes in the world apart from Indonesia
25. The Campania Church in Santiago burnt down in 1863 caused by a falling lamp due to the doors opening inwards. 2000 worshippers died.
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