Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seeking Adventure in the "Land of Wild"

Have you heard the word "Safari"? You may just refer to dictionary in a few seconds to know the meaning. But, if knowing its literal meaning makes you all the more curious then come to Kenya, the original home of a safari. Undoubtedly, a Kenya Safari promises an unforgettable experience.

Indeed, the country is blessed with natural beauty in all its forms. From a variety of landscapes to tranquil beaches and serene meadows, the land offers everything which entices adventure-seekers.

Moreover, a Kenya Safari gives you the unique opportunity of experiencing an unchanged natural world. Far from the maddening rush of cities, the tranquility of this place enables you to get closer to the natural world.

Besides being a land of natural wonders Kenya also promises a composite immersion of many cultures. Indeed, the cultural heritage of Kenya is as diverse as its natural beauty. The history of its cultures dates back to the origin of human species. There are a number of villages in the country which are still untouched by the advances of modern life.

Amongst the other bounties of nature is the extraordinary wildlife of Kenya. A Kenya safari gives you the golden chance to view the wildlife in its own natural abode. An extensive range of ecosystems serve as a natural habitat to a plethora of wonderful species.

From a variety of unique animals like the "Big Five"(African elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo and leopard) spotted hyena, Grevy's zebra, sea turtle, wild dog, sitatunga, and Colobus monkey to teeming birdlife and abundant schools of fishes, a Kenya Safari is a real treasure for a wildlife enthusiast.

To view the wildlife at its best, visit the world-famous national parks and renowned game reserves of Kenya. National parks like Mount Kenya National Park, Amboseli National Park and Nairobi National Park are well-known for animals like leopard, cheetah, crocodile, elephant, rhino, wild-beast, zebra, giraffe and hippopotamus.

Watching the activities of these animals in their natural habitat is a real pleasure. However, the real manifestation for every animal-lover is the annual wilder beast migration safari in the meadows of Masai Mara. Your Safari in Kenya remains unfinished without watching these migratory birds in open savannahs.

It may come as a surprise, but a Kenya Safari offers the experience of a life irrespective of the time of your visit. So whenever you schedule your visit, your experience would remain equally exciting!

By : Kelvin_Smith

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