Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Safari Vacation Advice

A safari vacation to Africa can be a wonderful, once in a lifetime experience. There are safari vacation packages available for families, couples, and even seniors.

The pristine beauty of Africa and its exotic wildlife are an experience everyone should enjoy at least once.

When traveling on safari there are some basic guidelines and travel tips you should consider. For this reason, we offer our safari vacation advice.

Wear colors that blend in with the environment. Neutral colors like tan, beige, khaki, olive-green, brown, and gray are recommended.

Bring plenty of batteries for digital cameras and video devices. If you use a battery charger, be certain to have a 12-volt adapter that can be plugged into a vehicle, as not all camps have a 220/240-volt electrical supply.

Never photograph locals without getting their permission first.

Support local businesses by buying local goods and beware of cheap transportation like buses and mini-taxis, which are often under-serviced and overloaded.

Do due diligence about the country where you are traveling. Research the regulations, customs, and traditions so you are a good visitor and not a rude tourist on safari vacation.

Remember to use water sparingly; it is a limited resource in Africa.

You may bring gifts for local children and villagers, but they should be of an educational type. Picture books of Western Culture, coloring books and crayons are usually very appreciated and are inexpensive for you to supply. Do not offer money or food.

Never litter while on a safari vacation.

Be aware of baggage restrictions, which are commonly twenty-six pounds of luggage for light air transfers and forty-four pounds of luggage for regularly scheduled air flight.

Before coming to Africa, take preventative measures to avoid contracting malaria on your safari vacation.

Most travelers who have gone through the correct preventions never have to worry about malaria. Talk to your doctor prior to your safari vacation and take all the advice offered about malaria.

Make sure you drink enough water while in Africa on safari vacation. You need to consume four to six pints a day to remain hydrated.

Avoid too much tea, coffee, and alcohol, as these beverages often have a diuretic affect and can cause dehydration.

Most water throughout Southern Africa is safe to drink straight from the tap, but there is plenty of bottled water around.

Just be thoughtful about how you use this water as it is a very valuable natural resource and locals will take offense if you are wasteful or trivial about your water supply while on a safari vacation.

Make sure you have a good pair of sunglasses, binoculars, and plenty of sunscreen of SPF 15 or above. Have light cover-up clothing that you can wear during the hottest parts of the day.

Check your skin frequently, as tics are prevalent. They can easily be dealt with by using petroleum jelly to remove them.

You should be certain to have money and baggage insurance and always have your expensive video equipment and binoculars, etc. as walk-on items. Remove valuable items from check-in baggage.

You will enjoy your safari vacation immensely. If you are traveling to Africa on a safari vacation for the first time, it is guaranteed that this is a trip you will remember fondly all of your life.

Simply use prudence and have good manners while on your journey and you will have a rewarding experience.

By : Terrance_Wattson

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