Monday, February 15, 2010

Adventure is All Around

Exploring is one of the great joys in life. It is so easy to get into a rut, doing the same things day in and day out. Sometimes you need to need to take a break from your routine and do something fun.

This can be as simple as visiting a local landmark or as complicated as flying to an exotic locale. Trips can be educational or just for fun, but any trip provides a wonderful opportunity to see new things and sample new cuisine. Oftentimes, the best exploring can come close to home.

You would be surprised at how many fascinating places there are to visit near your own hometown. Even the smallest of towns will usually have a few historical sites that are worth exploring.

Who knows, you might discover that you have descended from a local legend. Small towns often have nice parks or nearby hiking trails where you can commune with nature and get some much needed exercise.

Even if you can't afford to go some where, you can afford to pull on a pair of sneakers and wander the neighborhood around you.

You might even stumble across a little diner specializing in the local foods where a smiling teen in a pocket apron will give you surprisingly friendly service. Afterwords, you can wander over to the local athletic field and watch the kids play ball.

Even if you live in a small town, there is usually a small city nearby. A drive of a few hours can open up all sort of new possibilities. Most cities will have a web site that you can check out for entertainment possibilities.

There might be an amusement park you can spend the day at. Again there will be all sorts of places that are historically significant, but there will also be a lot of buildings that are important simply because they are beautiful to look at and have stood the test of time.

Even a small city will usually have a museum rotating new exhibits to check out each season. There will be a variety of places to choose from when it comes to mealtimes.

Pick someplace you have not eaten before and ask a few of the people in the restaurant shirts what they would recommend. You might find a new favorite food.

If you are lucky enough to live in or near a large city, you have the greatest options. You can hop on a bus and go to all sorts of different ethnic neighborhoods. You can learn about a new culture by visiting small shops and restaurants and still go home and sleep in your own bed.

There will be a greater variety of museums on most any subject you can think of and maybe even a zoo or two.

You can tour the four star restaurants and maybe see some celebrity cooks in their pristine chef uniforms.

There will also be theaters and ballparks for some live entertainment. The larger the city, the greater the variety of experiences you can have.

Life should be an adventure. You are not really living if you do not try to experience new things. Try something different each week and you'll be surprised at how much fun you'll have.

By : Alice_Lane

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