Saturday, August 15, 2009

An Article About Lightweight Rucksacks

If you are not from Europe, you might not know what a rucksack is. A rucksack is equivalent to a backpack and it is used for many activities, such as camping, hiking or even going to school!

There are many different types of rucksacks available. You can find them in just about any color, size, and weight. You can find small ones that can only hold about 12 liters, and you can find ones that more than triple that size. With new technological advancements, it is easy to find a lightweight rucksack, no matter how much gear you need to carry with one.

By using materials such as nylon and polyester to make these rucksacks, it enables them to be light and maintain their durability. This is a great feature for people that like to go hiking for days at a time and need to be able to carry a lot of supplies.

Newer rucksacks have some new features that enable you to be able to carry heaver equipment in your sack for longer periods of time. One of these features is the waist strap. The waist strap keeps a great deal of the stress off of your shoulders and spreads it out through the rest of the upper body. Another feature is the chest stabilizer.

It keeps the rucksack from moving around a great deal and also helps to spread out the stress of the weight your body is carrying in the sack. These two features enable the hiker to have much greater stamina.

The aeroback design is another feature to look for when purchasing a lightweight rucksack. In this design, there is a plate in the back of the sack. This plate creates space between the hiker's back and the rucksack. This is especially helpful when hiking in extreme heat. It keeps the hiker from getting a sweaty back.

If you are having trouble selecting a rucksack that is the right size for you, there is a simple way to find out which is right. When you are going to make your purchase, take the items that you usually take with you when you go on a hike. Find a sack that is able to contain all of the items that you took with you.

If you are unsure, it is always a wise decision to take the larger size. If you have some extra room you can always pack a few more things that you might need, but if you cannot fit everything into your sack, there is nothing you can do about that.

No matter what the need is for your hiking or camping trips, you can always find a lightweight rucksack to take on your trip. When you are purchasing a new one, make sure to check out all of the options, believe me, there are many to check out.

If you go camping for days at a time, be sure to get one that is large and waterproof. If you only like to go for afternoon hikes with your significant other, then all you will need to carry is probably some water and a snack.

Tom Shurville is the main contributor to this website about backpacking in Europe. To find an updated version of the lightweight rucksack article, please follow the links provided.

By : Tom A Shurville

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