Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why Choosing Only the Best Hiking Boots For You is Important

Many hikers put so much emphasis on their packs, sleeping bags, shelters and other gear but they often neglect the most important piece of gear of all. What is that piece of hiking gear you might ask? It is your feet.

Without your feet you can't hike. As a hiker, if you can't go hiking you can become miserable and your happiness can go down the drain. So why is it important to choose the best hiking boots?

Your feet are made up of 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. Your feet are the foundation of your entire body.

These organs that make up the feet are some of the smallest on the human body but the amount of stress your feet take is phenomenal.

Because of this feet are easily injured and can take a long time to heal. Even worse, sometimes they may never completely heal.

Your feet also affect other parts of your body too. They are connected to your shins, femur and hips. While hiking through the wilderness our whole lower body depends on the good health of our feet.

Wearing the wrong boots instead of the best hiking boots can increase the likelihood of injury. If you get injured because of a bad pair of hiking boots, not only could it mean the end of your hiking trip but the end of hiking period.

Even if you manage to avoid getting injured while hiking in a bad pair of hiking boots, they can leave you fatigued, uncomfortable and miserable for your entire trip.

You need to protect your feet at all costs. In order to do this you must choose the best hiking boots for you. So where do you start? Keep reading to find out.

By Michael L Schofield

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