Sunday, July 5, 2009

What to Put in Your Hiking Backpack

Hiking is a wonderful activity that you can do almost anywhere. It is tons of fun and gives you a great workout while taking you to some of the most beautiful places on earth. There are a few things though that can ruin a hiking trip, not being prepared for emergencies (and even expected occurrences) and carrying too much garbage are two of these.

Hiking backpacks are different from regular backpacks as they generally have padded shoulder straps and two extra sets of straps, one for around your chest and one for around your stomach.
These extra straps take away the brunt of the pressure from your shoulders and back and allow you to carry your gear with the weight more evenly distributed throughout your upper body.

This allows you to carry heavier weights for longer periods of time. While this is extremely helpful by not using up unnecessary energy, the best way to protect yourself is to only carry the necessities. For those of you hiking for several days and camping in between, there are packs that are structured with metal rods to protect your back when you have to carry even more weight.

The most important thing that you can possibly have on hand while you are hiking is water. Our body is made up of water and as we sweat, this supply needs to be constantly replenished. Having said that though, you don't want to carry more than you need as water can get heavy. The best way to decide on the amount you will carry, is to plan ahead.

Find out where you are going and how long you will be hiking for. The park rangers office should be able to tell you if there are water sources along the trail (so you will be able to refill your supply) or if you need to bring everything you need with you. If you are traveling with an animal, keep in mind that they will need adequate supplies of water as well.

Another important supply to have with you is food. When you are conserving space (and even when not) it is important that you have nutritious food with you. Carrying junk food is not only a waste of space, but it will not assist you in your hike. Some great ideas for the trip are fruits, nuts, and other sources of protein and complex carbohydrates.

The best thing you can carry with you is trail mix. This medley combines nuts for protein, dried fruits such as raisins or pineapple and chocolate. This combination will allow you to stay energized throughout your hike. Another suggestion would be exercise and protein bars, though personally I opt for trail mix.

Lastly, you should have a first aid kit in your pack for minor medical emergencies. It is best to keep personal items to a minimum to save your energy and your back. But with the correct supplies in your pack, you will have a great time out on the trail.

By Sydney Garrison

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