Sunday, August 8, 2010

Backpacking Around the World - Some of the Benefits

Some of the benefits of backpacking around the world are as follows. You can use these to convince your parents to give you money for such an adventure. Travelling around the world is one of the most fulfilling things you can do.

1. Seeing the world can give you great insight into other cultures. It can also help you learn another language. Learning another language can get you a job, a higher paying job than you ordinarily would have received if you only spoke one language. Be sure to tell your parents that

2. You can make worldwide contacts. Contacts that can give you the ability to see world in much more defined ways. When you travel later, you'll have a place to stay and further to that, they may be able to help you get a job if you should decide to travel and live there later.

3. You'll never regret your travels. You'll be able to look back and say to your grandkids that many years ago you traveled the world and saw things that others your age haven't seen. You'll always remember those memories and they'll stay with you for the rest of your life.

4. Life is pretty boring ordinarily. Unless you actually do something constructive at home you might as well be seeing other parts of it. Wouldn't your parents prefer that you weren't hold up in your room all day anyway, wouldn't they like you to see the world and all its worth?

5. The American dollar is still pretty valuable compared to other countries. There is no time to waste!

Hopefully those quick tips that you can tell your parents will see you well on the way, backpacking around the world!

By : Carol_Davies

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